
Our Visions

A society rooted in Christian values of Charity, Justice, and Peace; where Integral Human Development reaches everyone.

Our Missions

To establish the enabling environment of fraternal cooperation and co-management among the commissions, offices, and institutions of the Myanmar Catholic Church to realize their mission.

  • Enabling environment = System Strengthening

  • Fraternal Cooperation = Church mission-oriented

  • Co-Management = Pooling and sharing the resources for joint mission

Our Objectives

  • To facilitate an efficient and sustained coordination mechanism among the commissions, offices, and institutions in implementing the socio-pastoral strategic plan.

  • To coordinate key stakeholders’ advocacy and networking at the CBCM level in ensuring fundraising, effective resource allocations, and relationship empowerment.

  • To animate the institutional development and human resource development mechanism for the Myanmar Catholic Church.

  • To advocate and coordinate the Data and Information Management System (DIMS) at the CBCM level.

Our Values

Christian Charity

  • Grounded in the Gospel, we embody Christ’s selfless love and extend acts of charity to all, recognizing the inherent dignity of every individual.

Love and Care

  • Practicing love and care, we address the diverse needs of individuals within coordinated socio-pastoral actions, ensuring a holistic approach to their well-being.

Harmony And Unity

  • Inspired by the Church’s teachings on unity, we actively foster harmonious collaboration within socio-pastoral initiatives, emphasizing the strength derived from coordinated efforts.

Integral Human Development

  • Aligned with the Church’s emphasis on human dignity, we commit to fostering integral human development through coordinated socio-pastoral efforts, promoting the thriving of individuals and communities.

Fraternal Cooperation for Mission

  • Embracing the Church’s mission, our core value centers on fraternal cooperation for the mission, where collaborative efforts are strategically aligned to efficiently fulfill the socio-pastoral mission entrusted to the Myanmar Catholic Church.




Strategic Direction

Our Strategic Direction

What is Our Strategic Direction?

On August 17, 290016, the Holy Father Pope Francis established the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. The apostolic letter stated that “the Church is called to promote the integral development of the human person in the light of the Gospel”, and the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Myanmar (CBCM) incorporated this papal guidance into its “Socio-Pastoral Strategic Plan a contribution to Nation Building (2018-2022). Rooted in articulating the Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes and encyclical Caritas in Veritate, the integral care of the human being is a vocation of every human person. CBCM consistently embraced this mission to the “Myanmar Catholic Church Synodal Journey, Socio-Pastoral Strategic Plan (2024-2026)” document holistically and synergistically addressing the Myanmar people suffering through the 6 external strategic directions.



• Improve access to essential educational assistance for vulnerable children in Myanmar.
• To advocate strongly, cooperate actively, and collaborate effectively with all education partners, including internal church members and external organizations, to establish a highly productive and mutually beneficial relationship.
• To effectively improve the skills of teachers to deliver quality education programs.


• Ensure that essential healthcare services are continuously accessible during emergencies, especially for women, children, and individuals with chronic health conditions to effectively address the healthcare needs of those who require it the most.
• Enhance the skills of primary healthcare workers and improve the quality of healthcare at Catholic health facilities.
• To advocate strongly, cooperate actively, and collaborate effectively with all health partners, including internal Church members and external organizations, to establish a highly productive and mutually beneficial relationship.


• Enhance the abilities and security of individuals who have migrated from conflict zones in Myanmar to provide them with improved employment prospects and working conditions.
• To promote cooperation among potential employers, sector associations, and skill development partners to enable migrant workers to access safe migration and fair employment opportunities.
• Establish effective communication and coordination methods for origin and return communities to prevent unsafe and irregular migration and promote sustainable reintegration.


• To advocate strongly, cooperate actively, and collaborate effectively with all humanitarian actors, including internal church members and external organizations, to improve the effectiveness of the humanitarian response to the Myanmar crisis.
• Develop innovative and diverse fundraising options for the Diocesan network to be able to fulfill resource requirements for the humanitarian response plan of the Church.
• To enhance the skills and abilities of people involved in humanitarian aid work in CBCM and Diocesan organizations.


• The Bishops Conference of Myanmar will enhance the safeguarding practices across various levels of the Church by developing and strengthening its systems, mechanisms, and consistency in these practices.
• The Bishops Conference of Myanmar assists dioceses in developing and implementing CBCM Safeguarding Policy Standards and Procedures.
• The Bishops Conference of Myanmar establishes a safeguarding structure responsible for ensuring accountability and providing guidance on policy implementation and best practices.

Faith Formation

• To provide guidance and support to individual faithful of all ages who seek to deepen their understanding of the essential aspects of the Catholic faith and its traditions.
• To assist those impacted by the Myanmar crisis to improve their mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being.


Enhancing Capacities & Competencies

• To promote servant leadership in the Church that prioritizes service, promotes fraternal collaboration and partnership, values honesty, and maintains a sense of responsibility and accountability.
• To improve the abilities of Church Commissions, Associations, and Pastoral Councils to effectively address the needs of those impacted by the conflict in Myanmar.
• Improve the capacity of Church Commissions, Associations, and Pastoral Councils to effectively utilize innovative fundraising methods and ensure equitable and impartial allocation of funds across the entire Church hierarchy.

Social-Pastoral Coordination

• Encourage and foster collaboration between Catholic dioceses, parishes, religious congregations, and lay organizations.
• Develop and maintain the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Catholic Church in Myanmar.
• Improving governance policies and processes to enhance collaboration, and communication, strengthen coordination, and ensure efficient functioning among various religious organizations and commissions (CRCM) in Myanmar's Bishops Conference and Conference of Religious.

Inter-Religious Engagement and Ecumenical Engagement

• To promote peaceful conflict resolution among communities living in conflict-affected areas by offering secure platforms that facilitate better communication among community members.
• To create initiatives at the local level that promote social cohesion and bring together diverse groups in a community.

Environmental Justice

• The Catholic Bishops' Conference of Myanmar will be actively involved in the Laudato Si movement, taking part in its initiatives and working to strengthen its efforts.
• Implement an environmental justice education program within the Catholic Church of Myanmar with the assistance of the Laudato Si movement.
• To develop and implement an advocacy system that can gather the backing of church leaders and collaborate with other organisations with similar goals.



292/A, Pyay Road Sanchaung P.O, Yangon 11111 Myanmar


+95-9-766-358-001 / +95-9-422-481-514